IRS Announces 2010 VITA Grant Recipients
WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today announced for the second year in a row it has awarded nearly $8 million in matching grants to support its Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program. Under the VITA Grant Program, the IRS awarded matching grants to 147 organizations that will offer free tax preparation services during the 2010 filing season. Our VITA partners assist taxpayers in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. There was a strong response to the 2010 VITA grant program with 360 organizations submitting applications requesting more than $30 million in matching funds, similar to the prior year. “We're proud to support the VITA program and their volunteer tax preparers who provide an invaluable service to millions of taxpayers,” said Richard Byrd, Jr., IRS Wage and Investment Operating Division Commissioner.
VITA partners are organizations that provide free federal tax return preparation and electronic filing to low and moderate income individuals. For tax year 2009, individuals and families with an adjusted gross income of $49,000 or lower are eligible for assistance.” Support EITC and Asset Building Campaign - $250
IR-2009-103, Nov. 10, 2009
Mercer Alliance received one of these IRS VITA grant in partnership with City of Trenton, Senior tax sites, Boys & Girls Club of Mercer County, Concerned Citizens of Ewing, Crisis Ministry of Trenton and Princeton, Mercer County Hispanci Association and North Clinton Neighborhood Center to being serve the low-wage workers of Mercer County with free tax site opportunities and assistance.
Saving bonds
Seeking Volunteers to conduct Free Tax Preparation to help Working Families in Mercer County
2010 Tax Season Volunteer Application
The Mercer Alliance to End Homelessness is seeking volunteers during the upcoming tax season, to staff Free Tax Preparation Sites throughout Mercer County. Join the Greater Trenton Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Asset Building Coalition, by volunteering 4 to 8 hours per week, helping low-income families and individuals file for refunds. This year with the economic crisis, everyone needs all the help they can get, free of charge.
Last year, we helped over 250 Mercer families with free tax preparation. Thousands more learned about the EITC and Free Tax Sites from Mercer Alliance and the Greater Trenton EITC and Asset Building’s outreach and advertising campaign. Receiving a 2008TY EITC refund, which can reach over $5,600 per household, is a vital way for low-wage earners to reduce the great gap between their income and housing costs.
To be a volunteer tax preparer, you must participate in a training program. Please contact Yak-Fa Chueng at or You will be directed to the IRS.GOV site to take the online class – Link & Learn. A second session will be scheduled to provide you will hands on training and to select your volunteer site. You will receive practical knowledge in tax law, and TaxWise software use, as well as hands-on practice completing tax returns.
For more information, contact Tarry Truitt, at the Mercer Alliance by emailing , or calling 609-844-1008.
Call 211 for Free tax preparation sites in New Jersey or go to for Mercer County sites.
Volunteers and Give-away Items are needed for Project Homeless Connect/PIT – Wednesday, January 26, 2010
On Tuesday, January 26, 2010, the Trenton/Mercer Continuum of Care (CoC) will conduct a one-day event called Project Homeless Connect (PHC) and the Point-In-Time Count of the homeless in Mercer County. This will be our six outreach event. We will provide a hot breakfast, hot lunch, access to services and helpful items.
We are seeking volunteers to help set-up, to serve food, pass out items, act as guides and survey takers during the afternoon. We are seeking donations of new socks, hats, gloves, scarves, sneakers, boots and personal care items. To volunteer or donate please contact: Tarry Truitt, or at (609) 844-1008. Volunteer form, please e-mail or fax 609-895-1245.