Assistance Programs
1. Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)– 1-800-510-3102
2. The Universal Service Fund (USF) – 1-800-510-3102
3. NJ SHARES (NJS) – 1-866—njshares
4. NJ Lifeline – For Seniors and Disabled- 1-800-792-9745
5. Temporary Relief for Utility Expenses (TRUE) Grant – 1-855-465-8783
Verizon’s Communications Lifeline – Low-income residents and Seniors, 50% discount. 1-877-652-9426.
New Jersey American Water - Assistance with water bill for low-income individuals1-877-652-9426.
United Water Cares – No income guideline. – 1-888-942-8080 0r
Energy Conservation
NJ Comfort Partners – Installation of energy efficiency measures, education and counseling for low-income households. 1-888-773-8326
HOUSE - Hurricane Assistance still available
There are three ways to contact FEMA: Go to www.disasterassistance.gov, www.fema.gov or call FEMA toll-free, 800-621-3362 (FEMA). Those with access or functional needs and who use a TTY may call 800-462-7585 or use 711 or Video Relay Service to call 800-621-3362. Telephone lines are open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. ET; multilingual operators are available.
The deadline to register for federal disaster assistance is Nov. 30, 2011.
Free Eye Screening Clinics For all people who cannot afford eye exams, don’t have health insurance or
are under-insured. Appointments are required. Call 609-883-3379 ext
HomeFront: 1880 Princeton Ave, Lawrenceville
Thursday, Dec 20 – 1-5pm
Sponsored by: New Jersey Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired and
Career & Information Expo for Veterans Mercer County One-Stop Career Center is conducting a Career and Information Expo tailored specifically for military veterans who are seeking employment, Thursday, November 10, 2011 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Hollowbrook Community Center, 320 Hollowbrook Drive, Ewing.
The Veterans Career and Information Expo is open to all veterans including those who were recently released from active duty. Veterans from Mercer, Middlesex and Burlington counties have been invited to participate. All jobseekers are requested to dress professionally for possible on-the-spot interviews and to bring 30 copies of their resume. Prospective employers can register a table or booth for no fee.
Thirty-three businesses have already registered representing the following fields: education, banking, finance, hospitality, security, transportation, customer service, medical services and distribution and warehousing. Also expected is participation by several Veterans’ service agencies with informational booths.
For More Information
Please Contact: Tarry Truitt, Communications and Project Manager, ttruitt@merceralliance.org or 609-844-1008.