Fundraiser for Homeless Newspaper The Wall
The Wall, is a joint project with TCNJ Bonner Students, Mercer Alliance to End Homelessness and other agencies for working with individuals experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. The Wall includes art work, poetry, prose from individuals in the community with the homeless experiences. TCNJ students have written stories about services, profiled individuals, international experiences and latest research on solutions of homelessness. A comprehensive resource list is published twice a year with services for the homeless. The paper has been distributed on TCNJ campus, to all the homeless organizations, libraries and hospitals. Two issues have been published in the Trentonian. The Bonners are creating a video to promote The Wall and have done a couple awareness activities on the issues of homelessness on campus. The goal of The Wall is to inform, education and celebration successes.
Please concerned enjoying a fun meal and help The Wall grow.
View The Wall Newsletters
For More Information
Please Contact: Tarry Truitt, Director of Projects and Communications, ttruitt@merceralliance.org or 609-844-1008.