Mercer County receives dollars to house families to end homelessness. The Trenton/Mercer COC was awarded one of 23 HUD Rapid Rehousing grants for $387,000.
This makes Mercer County part of a national demonstration project on Rapid Rehousing. The approach is to rapidly rehouse homeless families and provide services to them in their homes. Our thanks go to Carolyn Lewis Spruill for her leadership of the COC and for assembling the team that brought home this prize to Mercer County.
Over 38 million Earned Income Tax Credit Dollars was returned to Mercer County residents for 2007 tax year.
This is a $3.8 million increase over the 2006 tax year that Mercer Alliance and Greater Trenton EITC and Asset Building Coalition helped promote through outreach/marketing, free tax sites and asset building classes.
Call 211 for Free tax preparation sites in New Jersey or information on the Earned Income Tax Credit or go to for Mercer County sites.
Caseworker Training: Learn how to help your client with “Getting Back on the Road: A Manual for Addressing Driver’s License Suspension in New Jersey”
March 19, 2:30pm -4:30pm – Trenton Housing Authority Community Center – 875 Willow Street, Trenton – Sponsored by New Jersey Institute for Social Justice and Mercer County Ex-Offender Reentry Partnership. RSVP: Laurel Dumont or 973-624-9400 ext. 32.
Check Mercer Alliance website for free asset building classes
presented by our partner banks and hosted by partner non-profits in Mercer County. If you would like to host a series of classes on Credit and Credit repair, budgeting and asset building please contact Jennifer Rosado at
Come join Blog and talk about Workforce Housing
Mercer Alliance has created a blog to encourage discussion on workforce/affordable housing in Mercer County. We want you to talk about the issues and what you want in your community. Please go and sign up and become part of the solution!
Project Homeless Connect – Thursday, July 9, 2009
On Thursday, July 9, the Trenton/Mercer Continuum of Care (CoC) will conduct a one-day event called Project Homeless Connect. We are seeking volunteers to help set-up, to serve food, pass out items, and act as guides and survey takers. We are seeking donations of new socks, sneakers, boots and personal care items. To volunteer or donate please contact: Tarry Truitt, or at (609) 844-1008.