Come and Advocate for low-wage individuals and households at The NJ State House – Thursday, April 15 @11:30am, Room 109
Governor Christie has called for "shared sacrifice" in order to deal with New Jersey's current fiscal crisis. An "Ad-hoc" committee from among members of the Anti-Poverty Network of New Jersey has been examining proposed cuts in programs that serve people living in poverty in New Jersey. We have identified approximately $340 million in cuts to programs that will directly impact low wage and low income individuals and households. Many of these will have a devastating impact on some of the most vulnerable people in the state. We note at the same time, that the state's highest wage earners will see an increase in their incomes, as last year's tax surcharge goes away.
We will publically release our findings at a Press Conference on THURSDAY, APRIL 15 AT 11:30 AM - IN ROOM 109 0F THE STATEHOUSE. Along with information about the scope of the proposed cuts, we will provide detailed information about real impact these cuts will have on the safety net that currently provides at least minimal protection for those who are still suffering from the economic downturn. We also will share data on the cost implications these 'savings' might have in the future.
Elected officials have been invited to attend the Press event, and along with statistical information, we will hear from people whose lives will be directly affected by what the Governor is proposing.
We hope that many of the member organizations of the APN will attend this event and show support. Our written findings and report will be available to all of you after the press event.
Please let us know if you plan to attend – |