Join Us in Advocating for the Homeless in D.C. on July 30
The mission of the New Jersey Advocacy Network to End Homelessness is to advocate on a federal level for adequate funding for permanent affordable and supportive housing for homeless individuals and families. The New Jersey Advocacy Network to End Homelessness will hold the
Second Annual Congressional Reception on July 30, 2008 starting at 1:30 PM and ending at 3:30 PM. Please plan to arrive by 1 PM. This year’s reception will build on the success of last year’s Reception and seek to have an even larger impact on federal policy issues that impact homeless individuals and families. People will travel by train, bus and car to get there to be part of this unique opportunity to meet with our legislators to let them hear firsthand issues of importance to our communities.
At least three buses will be chartered to help transport participants to the Congressional Reception. To register online for the FREE Congressional Reception and the bus
This year’s event will be held at the following location:
Russell Senate Office Building
Room SR-385
Constitution Avenue and First Street, SE
Washington D.C.
Save the Date – Mercer Alliance Fundraiser and Awards
Sunday, September 28 - 3pm to 5pm - Prospect House, Princeton University
Economic Stimulus Payments
We are concerned that the individuals and families making from $3,000 to $20,000 will miss out on the stimulus money
because they do not file taxes. The deadline is October 15, 2008. This extra money can make a big difference in many people’s lives. In addition, individuals or families receiving Social Security benefits, Veterans’ disability compensation, and pension or survivors’ benefits with incomes of $3,000 or more can qualify.
They must file a tax return to receive the money. The payments will be sent to the tax filer without any additional paper work. The IRS, Veterans Affairs and Social Security Administration are mailing informational packets. For more information go to,,id=177937,00.html
Donate Money for ID campaign
Mercer Alliance is raising money to help all people experiencing homelessness to get a photo ID. Experts estimate that the cost to obtain proper photo ID for an individual is between $50 and $100. The homeless person often never had these important documents or has lost them. A photo ID is needed to enter Federal buildings, ride the railroads and to apply for many benefits and services.
For More Information
Please Contact: Tarry Truitt, Communications and Project Manager, or 609-844-1008