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Mercer Alliance to End Homelessness

Be part of the solution to End Homelessness in Mercer County

We can. We must. We will – with your voices and commitment. You can be part of the solution to end homelessness in Mercer County through your individual membership in the Alliance. Membership dues will fund ongoing research, training and advocacy on behalf of Mercer County’s most vulnerable population – the homeless.

We need all your voices and your dollars to make this a priority to our government and the public.

Within ten years, together we can end homelessness in Mercer County, NJ.

Support the ID Project - $100

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Your gift will:
Support the ID Project, which helps a homeless person get identification necessary for receiving benefits and housing.

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Support the bi-annual Project Homeless Connect - $50

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Your gift will:
Support the bi-annual Project Homeless Connect, to help people experiencing homelessness get connected to vital services, receive a hair cut and an extra meal.

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Support our Consumer Board Panels - $25

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Your gift will:
Support our Consumer Board panels, which provide the opportunity for people experiencing homelessness to voice their opinions and be paid as consultants.

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Provide Personal Care Packages - $15

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Your gift will:
Provide Personal Care packages to those experiencing homelessness, which helps them preserve their dignity.

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Thank you.
Herb Levine, Executive Director

For More Information: www.merceralliance.org or Contact: Herb Levine, Executive Director, hlevine@merceralliance.org or 609-844-1006


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