Homelessness in Mercer County
Homelessness is a complex and dynamic problem. Families face an acute shortage of affordable housing, single individuals may have mental health and substance abuse problems, while veterans are often disconnected from services. Because the conditions causing homelessness shift, and in ways that can’t always be anticipated—from changes in the housing market and workforce, to public health crises—ending homelessness requires consistent adaptation to address problems as, and ideally before, they arise.
Mercer County participates in New Jersey’s annual point-in-time count of the homeless. It’s important to recognize the point-in-time survey undercounts the extent of homelessness in Mercer County. The count is conducted in January. Families in particular are far more likely to be homeless in warmer months, and both families and individuals living doubled- or tripled-up are not include in the count at all.
Unsheltered Homeless
On January 25, 2022
In Emergency Shelters and Transitional Housing
On January 25, 2022